Barry A. Spevack Lectures and Conferences
- Panelist, Sentencing: Getting Outside the Guidelines, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, New York, New York (Sept. 2011)
- Panelist, Criminal Implications for Matrimonial Lawyers and Accountants, American Assn. of Matrimonial Lawyers and American Institute of CPAs, Las Vegas, Nevada (May 2008)
- Panelist, Federal Sentencing in Light of Booker: Where Do We Go From Here, Chicago Bar Assn. and Seventh Circuit Bar Assn., Chicago, Illinois (Feb. 2005)
- Panelist, Federal Sentencing After Booker, Chicago Inn of Court, (Jan. 2005)
- Panelist, Horizontal Restraints of Trade – Criminal and Civil Enforcement Actions, Illinois State Bar Assn., Chicago, Illinois (April 1993)